\header {How to submit a menu}

If the menu for your favourite Canterbury takeaway is missing or out of date, it's probably because I haven't received a copy of it yet. Here's how you can send me a new menu to include.

If you run a takeaway in Canterbury, then please consider sending me a copy of your menu when you publish a new version — and if you can send me the original artwork as a PDF or JPEG file, even better!

(Please note that this site only lists takeaways that deliver to Canterbury in the UK; if you're running a restaurant in Canterbury, New Zealand, then this is Not The Site You're Looking For.)

By email

You can contact me at <menus@offog.org>.

If you're scanning a menu yourself, please do a colour scan at 600 DPI, and save in high quality (90%+) JPEG format. Don't worry about editing or cropping the images — I have automated tools to do this. If you don't have access to a scanner, then please send me the menu in the post instead; see below.

By post

You can send me menus through the post to:

Adam Sampson
Institute of Arts, Media and Computer Games
Abertay University
Bell Street

(Dundee? Yes, I moved away from Canterbury in 2010...)
